A Parent’s Roadmap to Quick and Calm Bedtime in just 5 days!

A Parent’s Roadmap to Quick and Calm Bedtime in just 5 days!

Transform Bedtime from 

Chaos to Calm


No Cry It Out, Gentle Approach.

Join 329 Parents who are already having quick and easy bedtime with their children...

Regular $100

Get it now 30% OFF for just $69 Until…

For Parents of Children 1-8 years of age

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Self-Paced Online Workshop (1 Hour video Module, 1 Workbook, 2 Pre-recorded Coaching Sessions, 2 bonus classes)

Are you an exhausted parent who spends hours trying to get your children to go to bed or fall asleep?

Are you dreaming about having alone time or connection time with your spouse but you can’t have it because your children’s bedtime just takes way too long?

Have you tried multiple things to make bedtime easier but your children’s last minute requests and cries to keep you in the room make you want to pull your hair out?

You are not alone, 

HIC Parenting coaches are here to help you go from bedtime struggles to bedtime bliss 
through our Transform Bedtime from Chaos to Calm Workshop

HIC Parenting’s Gentle Sleep Consultant and Marcela, Parenting Coach,come together in this Online workshop 
To show you the exact 3 steps that took their clients from sleep deprived parents to eliminating bedtime battles and multiple night wake ups without letting their children cry it out.

The 3 Steps to a Dream Bedtime

(For Parents Who Crave Easier Evenings)

Say goodbye to long, stressful bedtimes!  

Use our signature Parenting With Understanding™ methodology to uncover the hidden reasons your child fights going to bed and to quickly turn a drawn-out bedtime into a quick, peaceful routine. 
Enjoy more me-time in the evenings while your child drifts off happily.Call to Action Headline

Imagine a full night's sleep again! 

Learn the steps to help your child learn to sleep on their own, all night even if they are breastfed or co-sleep. 

You'll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to enjoy your day.

Say goodbye to long, stressful bedtimes!  

Use our signature Parenting With Understanding™ methodology to uncover the hidden reasons your child fights going to bed and to quickly turn a drawn-out bedtime into a quick, peaceful routine. 
Enjoy more me-time in the evenings while your child drifts off happily.Call to Action Headline

Join 329 Parents who are having easy bedtime thanks to Transform Bedtime from Chaos to Calm workshop: 

Regular $100

Also... When You Get Started Today,

You'll Also Receive Bonus Classes With This Workshop!

Bonus #1

The Truth About Co-Sleeping And Successful Transition To Own Bed

Value $ 57. (Included Today)

Do you fear your child will never want to sleep in her own bed if you don’t get her out of your bed now? 

In this video class, you will learn about the right timing and method to transition your child to their own bed successfully.

Bonus #2

Your Breastfed Toddler Can Sleep All Night.

Value $ 57. (Included Today)

You don’t have to wean your child off to have a good night of sleep.

In this video class, you will learn the process to move away from night feeds without losing the bond and without weaning your child off.

Regular $100

Get it now 30% OFF for just $69 Until…

Our Coaches For this Workshop: 

Hi, i'm Paula

I’m a proud toddler mom, Baby-Led Sleep & Wellbeing specialist, and Registered Early Childhood Educator. ​

I help parents of children 0-8 years old improve their sleep in a respectful, conscious, and gentle manner.

I have helped thousands of families worldwide improve their sleep through my private coaching sessions, online webinars, email subscriptions, blogs, and social media content, and I’m here to help you, too.

Hello! I'm Marcela

I’m glad you are here.

I am here to help you. I am a mom of twins, a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and a Certified Parenting Coach, and I help parents respond to their children’s behaviors with what they exactly need to have a peaceful relationship at home.

I have helped children in the Therapeutic Foster Care program with their behaviors for over 8 years, in addition to thousands of parents worldwide through private consultations, my online programs and guides, and millions of parents through TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and my email subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions

Transform Bedtime from 

Chaos to Calm


No Cry It Out, Gentle Approach.

Join 329 Parents who are already having quick and easy bedtime with their children...

Regular $100

Get it now 50% OFF for just $49 Until…

For Parents of Children 1-8 years of age

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Self-Paced Online Workshop (1 Hour video Module, 1 Workbook, 2 Pre-recorded Coaching Sessions, 2 bonus classes)

Are you an exhausted parent who spends hours trying to get your children to go to bed or fall asleep?

Are you dreaming about having alone time or connection time with your spouse but you can’t have it because your children’s bedtime just takes way too long?

Have you tried multiple things to make bedtime easier but your children’s last minute requests and cries to keep you in the room make you want to pull your hair out?

You are not alone, 

HIC Parenting coaches are here to help you go from bedtime struggles to bedtime bliss 
through our Transform Bedtime from Chaos to Calm Workshop

HIC Parenting’s Gentle Sleep Consultant and Marcela, Parenting Coach,come together in this Online workshop 
To show you the exact 3 steps that took their clients from sleep deprived parents to eliminating bedtime battles and multiple night wake ups without letting their children cry it out.

The 3 Steps to a Dream Bedtime

(For Parents Who Crave Easier Evenings)

Say goodbye to long, stressful bedtimes!  

Use our signature Parenting With Understanding™ methodology to uncover the hidden reasons your child fights going to bed and to quickly turn a drawn-out bedtime into a quick, peaceful routine. 
Enjoy more me-time in the evenings while your child drifts off happily.Call to Action Headline

Imagine a full night's sleep again! 

Learn the steps to help your child learn to sleep on their own, all night even if they are breastfed or co-sleep. 

You'll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to enjoy your day.

Say goodbye to long, stressful bedtimes!  

Use our signature Parenting With Understanding™ methodology to uncover the hidden reasons your child fights going to bed and to quickly turn a drawn-out bedtime into a quick, peaceful routine. 
Enjoy more me-time in the evenings while your child drifts off happily.Call to Action Headline

Join 329 Parents who are having easy bedtime thanks to Transform Bedtime from Chaos to Calm workshop: 

Also... When You Get Started Today,

You'll Also Receive Bonus Classes With This Workshop!

Bonus #1

The Truth About Co-Sleeping And Successful Transition To Own Bed

Value $ 57. (Included Today)

Do you fear your child will never want to sleep in her own bed if you don’t get her out of your bed now? 

In this video class, you will learn about the right timing and method to transition your child to their own bed successfully.

Bonus #2

Your Breastfed Toddler Can Sleep All Night.

Value $ 57. (Included Today)

You don’t have to wean your child off to have a good night of sleep.

In this video class, you will learn the process to move away from night feeds without losing the bond and without weaning your child off.

Regular $100

Get it now 50% OFF for just $49 Until…

Our Coaches For this Workshop: 

Hi, i'm Paula

I’m a proud toddler mom, Baby-Led Sleep & Wellbeing specialist, and Registered Early Childhood Educator. ​

I help parents of children 0-8 years old improve their sleep in a respectful, conscious, and gentle manner.

I have helped thousands of families worldwide improve their sleep through my private coaching sessions, online webinars, email subscriptions, blogs, and social media content, and I’m here to help you, too.

Hello! I'm Marcela

I’m glad you are here.

I am here to help you. I am a mom of twins, a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and a Certified Parenting Coach, and I help parents respond to their children’s behaviors with what they exactly need to have a peaceful relationship at home.

I have helped children in the Therapeutic Foster Care program with their behaviors for over 8 years, in addition to thousands of parents worldwide through private consultations, my online programs and guides, and millions of parents through TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and my email subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions